Customer case

The Dacia industrial platform in Mioveni

The collaboration between the Renault Group in Romania and Boone Comenor Metalimpex started more than 20 years ago, in 2001, with activities on the Dacia platform in Mioveni.

Logo de la marque Dacia

A long-standing collaboration

From 2002 to today, the collaboration has continued within the framework of the scrap metal compacting activity resulting from the part stamping process and from the ferrous scrap recovery of the Stamping Department at the Dacia Automotive plant.

Since 2003, the collaboration was extended to the non-ferrous scrap recovery.

In 2011, the collaboration between Renault Technologie Roumanie (RTR) with recovery services for ferrous and non-ferrous scrap.

Between 2006 and 2008, Metalimpex invested for 2 million euros with the purchase of 2 compacting presses and 2 mobile bridges for transferring the scrap bales.

Type of scraps recovered include: Sheet metal, stainless steel, brass-bronze, cast iron, aluminium, copper, copper and aluminium conductors, scrap metal (steel, cast iron, aluminium).

Depuis 2002, Metalimpex collabore avec Dacia dans le cadre de l’activité de compactage des déchets de tôle résultant de l’activité d’emboutissage des pièces du département Emboutissage de l’Usine Véhicules Dacia et de la collecte des déchets de métaux ferreux.

A relationship based on trust

There are currently 24 Metalimpex staff members working for Automobile Dacia SA and RTR.

Thanks to its collaboration with Automobile Dacia SA, Metalimpex has, as time has gone on, extended its partnerships with most of Dacia’s ferrous and non-ferrous parts suppliers.

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